User login

This API allows you to login user. After successfull login one can omit login informations from additional API calls.

Basic description and parameters of API calls can be found on this page.


User informations API belongs to General service (general).

API request

API request must contain all general parameters.


Fixed value: user_login

API call example

example 1: User login (PHP implementation)
$login = 'user';
$call = microtime(true);
$password = md5(md5("passwd").$call);

$url = "" . http_build_query(array(
  "CTRL" => "user_login",
  "_login" => $login,
  "_password" => $password,
  "_service" => "general",
  "_call" => $call,


$json = join("", file($url));

Response to valid API request

Basic response can be found in general API description.

String data description

Parameter data in result contains string representing session identifier. This session can be used in API calls instead of login informations.

Response example

example 2: Response

Session is valid only for 10 minutes. Validity is extended with every request to another 10 minutes. If there is no request within this 10 minutes, usage of such session will result in error (USER_MISSING), session will be destroyed and user logged out. One must use regular API call or login user again.

Response to invalid request

Description can be found in general API description.

Session usage

In case of successfull login one may use session for all following API calls instead of _login and _password parameters.

example 3: Session usage example - SMS send
$call = microtime(true);
$url = "" . http_build_query(array(
  "CTRL" => "sms",
  "_session" => "ee2c6144c0f37dd21eb9f03959fad885",
  "_call" => $call,
  "_service" => "sms",
  "msisdn" => "+420605582922",
  "text" => "sms text",


$json = join("", file($url));  
example 4: Session usage example - user informations
$call = microtime(true);
$url = "" . http_build_query(array(
  "CTRL" => "user_info",
  "_session" => "ee2c6144c0f37dd21eb9f03959fad885",
  "_call" => $call,
  "_service" => "general",


$json = join("", file($url));  

The results of API calls when session is used are the same as in case of regular calls.